Intermediate Series Intermediate Series (I1 -I14)The Intermediate series of modules for Advanced Dungeons& Dragons.
The Return to the Keep on the Borderlands seemed like an excellent update, and good god. Ravenloft is just a mind-blowing adventure. Has to be one of my all-time favorite modules. It's not much of an update.just a reprint fixing old errors and updating the stats to 2e.I'd recommend picking both up.Oh yeah. There also was the Dragonlance 15th anniversary book that was an update of the entire DL series of modules.I'm not sure how much I'd value seems like most of the meat of the module has to come from the DM, the dual AD&D / SAGA rules are a bit annoying, and it has to be damn hard to DM that superquest without ramming the plotline down the PCs throats. The Silver Anniversary Ravenloft was just the original I6 updated to 2nd Ed rules. Of course, it was a great module in 1st Ed, and just as good in 2nd.
Ravenloft Strahd
This book is really tough to find, and I think was only availible through RPGA.The Silver Anniversary Dragonlance book was pretty damn bad. Everything cool about the original DL modules (Whether you liked them or not) was gone. It was just a huge book with a string of encounters in it. Do this fight, move on to this one, now this one, etc. Crappy.The Giants module was exceptional though. It was almost a sourcebook for Geoff after the invasion of the giants, as well as having great possibilities for adventuring.Return to the Keep and Return to White Plume Mountain were just dungeon crawls. Return to the Keep only made slightly more sense than the original, but was fun for hack and slash.
I never got a chance to play Return to WPM, but it only looked about average for a dungeon adventure. No cynicism intended, but there is even less work, and thus more profit, in simply selling scans of the 1e or 2e version and letting fans do their own conversions. Hence the ESD conversion guidelines (to make sure that fan conversions require the ESD i.e. Scanned original) and selling pretty much everything they ever did for (O/A/1e/2e)D&D in pdf.Doing the conversion to 3e would require some work (so costs more) and just because older gamers have nostalgia for a module won't garauntee sales. Especially in the current climate, I can't see it happening, although the trick I think they missed was converting the Temple of Elemental Evil, as a companion volume to RttToEM.
In the Ravenloft reprint, they didn't have the pictures of the tarot cards on the border of the page like they did in the orginal, but all of the rules for the tarot cards were there-there is even a half a page or so of MORE rules so that you can use an entire deck of cards and really throw off the adventures.As for misprinting location keys on the yes. You see, they kept the maps exactly the same as they had been in the original (which is a good thing, because they're fantastic maps) but inside the adventure, the labeling of the encounters and locations didn't match up with the old map numbers in some locations.They're minor details though. Still a kickass adventure.If my calculus homework wasn't beckoning me at the moment, I'd go look for the modules (the old and new) and tell you exactly what was different.
Free Ravenloft Pdf
As far as I remember, it's mainly the outdoor encounters (The village, the gates to Barovia, the river, etc.)Edit-Me fail English? Thats unpossible!
I was just thinking of buying the Return to White Plume Mountain ESD. I loved the original dungeon crawl, and was going to convert RtWPM for some friends. I've seen very little written about it. For those who did/didn't like it, what specifically was good/bad? I like dungeon crawls, they fill a particular niche, and since my homebrew stuff is mostly city-based and rp heavy, I tend to like to read things that are a change of pace.
The original with Erol Otus art and all the wacky goodness of an S series module has a special place in my heart (and was the first AD&D module I played). I was just thinking of buying the Return to White Plume Mountain ESD. I loved the original dungeon crawl, and was going to convert RtWPM for some friends. I've seen very little written about it.
For those who did/didn't like it, what specifically was good/bad? I like dungeon crawls, they fill a particular niche, and since my homebrew stuff is mostly city-based and rp heavy, I tend to like to read things that are a change of pace.
The original with Erol Otus art and all the wacky goodness of an S series module has a special place in my heart (and was the first AD&D module I played).